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摘要:神经外科门诊信息 门诊时间:周一至周五 9:00-17:00 预约门诊请拨打: 010-5927 7060 / 7533 2021年辛丑牛年伊始,和睦家医院神经外科在院领导的关心支持和兄弟科室的大力帮助下突破两项新业


门诊时间:周一至周五 9:00-17:00

预约门诊请拨打: 010-5927 7060 / 7533



Spinal Cord Stimulation, SCS




Deep Brain Stimulation, DBS







New breakthrough in neurosurgery

At the beginning of the year of the 2021, the neurosurgery department of united family hospital achieved two breakthroughs of new service with the care and support of hospital leaders and the help of other departments.

One is spinal cord stimulation (SCS).The patient is a 15-year-old child who was diagnosed with spastic paraplegia for more than 5 years. Although the father took the child to many places to seek medical advice. But most of the curative effect is not good, with the continuous progress of the disease, children's lower limbs now have significant dystonia, leading to walking difficulties. After receiving the child, neurosurgery actively improved the preoperative examination, and invited well-known functional neurosurgery experts to do spinal cord electrical stimulation for the child. After the operation, the muscle tension of the child's lower limbs began to ease, creating a good condition for the next step of rehabilitation treatment.

The second breakthrough is deep brain stimulation (DBS), commonly known as brain pacemaker.The patient was a 17-year-old child who was about to reach adulthood and was diagnosed with tic disorder. Over the years, the involuntary twitch of limbs and head and neck has caused serious trouble to children. Especially in school, in the face of the students' eyes and sarcasm, the children who were originally cheerful and confident gradually became closed, and their academic performance also plummeted. Parents with their children are also running in many ways, traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine repeated attempts have not achieved good results.

The other child was only 6 years old, only 11 kg. From the age of 3, the disease progressed rapidly. After going to several hospitals, considering the complex condition of the patient and the comprehensive ability of the United Family Hospital, he decided to choose Beijing United Family Hospital for treatment. After receiving the two children, he actively improved the preoperative examination, and invited well-known children's functional neurosurgery experts to make a diagnosis for the children Deep brain stimulation. At present, the children are in a stable state after the operation, and the 17-year-old patient has been discharged from the hospital smoothly. I believe there will be a satisfactory result after the power on.

文章来源:《立体定向和功能性神经外科杂志》 网址: http://www.ltdxhgnxsjwkzz.cn/zonghexinwen/2021/0409/497.html


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